June 26, 2006

Microsoft: epitomizing and catering to the world's stupidities since over 100 years ago.

Man, I love the new MSN Messenger. For those of you still using the old one, shame on you - this one's got such awesome features. What's not to love about useless bells and whistles that you'll only ever ring or blow by accident, and then have to wait and not be able to do anything for five minutes while you're waiting for whatever you accidentally clicked to come up so you can close it?

Just a little while ago, I accidentally clicked on the big mail icon. Good thing I did, too, because I never would've noticed it was there if I hadn't. So about a half a minute later, Outlook Express comes up. I'm glad Outlook Express is there. It would almost be a crime if I had to be bothered to use my Gmail account by opening up a program (FireFox) that used scores less memory, and took a fraction of the time to open. Almost as bad as the wicked torment of not having to back up my emails when my installation of Windows XP finally shits itself.

So I finally decide to look for a way to make that button go away. I go into the options, but I can't find any option that could turn it off. How could that be?

Oh, that's right. This isn't open source software; this is fucking Microsoft.

Well I decided to live with it. But something else caught my eye when I was in there:

Notice the uppermost checkbox. Now call me crazy, but isn't the very purpose of blocking people specifically so that they can't see you or send you messages? Why is that checkbox even necessary? Well naturally I don't want the people on my blocked list messaging me or seeing that I'm online. So I clicked the checkbox, and MSN magically chenges several other settings too:

Hang on a second. I don't want to block everyone who isn't on my list, just the people I want to block. And what if I don't want an alert when someone adds me to their list? So I go to put "all others" back into the allow list and all of a sudden, MSN magically unchecks the box that I JUST FUCKING CHECKED.

I guess some coder at Microsoft can't understand how someone might want to block certain people whilst leaving themselves open for messages from others. Well just because you're a dumbass doesn't mean you shouldn't give people a choice.

Let me just clear up here that this isn't even a bug. This was a conscious decision made by someone who probably spent a good hour coding it, and subsequently trying to figure out where exactly he fucked it up.

This is akin to choosing between firing missiles or just arming the warheads, but not being able to do both. I don't know what's more inept, coding something like this or yelling "Greedo shot first" in a crowded Star Wars convention.


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